Issue #40


Issue #40 7/23/18



On July 23rd, 2018, the Westarctican cryptocurrency the Westarctican Dollar was set to launch on Ethereum with 17.2 trillion ERC-20 tokens. According to the Westarctican Face book page, all previous donors to Westarctica will receive amounts of the Westarctican Dollar ranging from 1- 100 million tokens with some instructions on how to set up a paper wallet, if they would like to set up one.


BY Cooper Kiwi     information from        Photo copyright Westarctica and Ethereum 2018



On July 23rd, 2018, the Republic of Tagtabazar, part of Occitania, legalized the use of, according to the Tagtabazar Elkablog “formalized the constitution, registration and legalization of political parties within the republic” through a decree. Parties that are Neo- Nazi or other parties with discriminatory characteristics shall not write constitutions.

By Cooper Kiwi   information from



On July 22nd, 2018, the Republic of Molossia’s Navy deployed one of their ships in Lake Tahoe, Nevada and California, the United States of America, for an island known as the “Mysterious” Island, on the north end of the lake near Lake Forest. The Molossian Navy had never explored that part of lake before, so this voyage was going to cover new waters. They arrived at 11 A.M. MST, soon after the Navy deployed into the water to get to the bushy atoll. But, it was discovered that there was an island behind the bushes, along with a tiny mangrove swamp. President Kevin Baugh and Chief Constable went to explore the island. They returned to Molossia happy.


President Kevin Baugh on the “Mysterious” Island

By Cooper Kiwi     information from       photo copyright Khamsin Molossia News



On July 23rd, 2018, a recap of the July 22nd, 2018 GUM/ Grand Unified Micronational Quorum was posted on the GUM News website. The members present were the Empire of Addamia, the Kingdom of Jupiter, the Popular Union of Occitania, the Aarianian Union of North America, the Principality of Squamily and Friends, Mercia, the Kingdom of Überstadt, the Socialist Commonwealth of Uskor, the Empire of Austenasia, the Iustus Republic, the Ammissopian Federation, and the Non- Territorial Republic of Flammancia. For membership applications the Ammissopian Federation, the Iustus Republic, and the Nemkhav Federation are now full members of the GUM. For project updates, Diplomabear will remain in Austenasia until September, then to the Wildflower Meadows until October, and move on to Addamia for the rest of 2019. In 2019, it will be sent to the North Carolina micronations, before being given off to the Iustus Republic of MicroCon 2019. The GUM Chair announced that they would be talking to the MicroWiki admins to setting a Guides program in the future, along with him intending to gather a group good European micronationalists to organize a 2019 Summit. In the reform consultation, the Chair stated that he wanted to move many of the Quorum functions to the official GUM talk, particularly the functions in relation to membership. A delegate from Posaf/ the Principality of Squamily and Friends suggest several ideas for tackling inactivity. A large debate was about moving the debate from Skype to Discord which will be talked about more in the next GUM Quorum. The Observership for the State of Sandus had expired, but they were able to have it renewed. The Chair also said that he is still looking for a GUM Supreme Judge. The next Quorum will taken place on August 18th, 2018 and August 19th, 2018.

By Cooper Kiwi           information from



On July 23rd, 2018, it was announced by the Austenasia Times that the Imperial Party of Austenasia held their first ever Conference last Saturday. The First Imperial Party Conference was described as “a success for Austenasian democracy” by Prime Minister and Party Leader Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy. The Imperial Party Conference was started off with the Austenasian National Anthem. After that, there were speeches from  Prime Minister Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy and Lord Vice Admiral Eren Lewis. Following those speeches, the members of the Imperial Party Board, which is the governing body of the Imperial Party, stood up and answered questions from the crowd. The Imperial Party Conference was attended by mostly party members, but there was a noticeable amount of guests, from different micronations and Austenasia. That was including Emperor Jonathon I of Austenasia, who said, according to the Austenasia Times, “it is truly encouraging to see this level of political engagement and organisation amongst it’s people”.

conflogoImperial Party 2018 Annual Conference Logo

By Cooper Kiwi          Information from             Logo copyright Austenasian Imperial Party 2018 Annual Conference 2018

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